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F U D G I T Version 2.33
The three different modes are accessed by commands: 'fmode', 'pmode'
and 'cmode'. All fmode commands can be abbreviated down to 2
characters. Vectors have upper case name and scalar variables lower
case. A mix of both upper and lower cases results in forming a string
variable. Read the "Intro" help topic for an overview. See the
"README" help item for complete copyrights.
Send bugs or comments to <isaac@physics.mcgill.ca>.
FUDGIT is a double-precision multi purpose fitting program.
It can manipulate complete columns of numbers in the form
of vector arithmetic. FUDGIT is also an expression language
interpreter understanding most of C grammar except pointers.
It supports all functions from the C math library. Finally,
FUDGIT is a front end for any plotting program supporting
commands from stdin. It is a nice mathematical complement
to GNUPLOT, for example.
The main features of FUDGIT are:
- Command shell including history;
- Possible abbreviation of all the ``fitting mode'' commands;
- Possible plural when it makes sense too;
- Interactive shell supporting flow control (while,
if-else-endif, foreach);
- User definable macros;
- User definable aliases;
- On-line help;
- On-line loadable procedure- or function-objects;
- On-line selectable plotting program;
- Fourier transforms;
- Smoothing;
- Double-precision built-in calculator;
- Built-in interpreter supporting most of C language including
flow control (if, else, while, for, break, continue);
- User definable functions and procedures;
- Double-precision vector arithmetic;
- Access to the complete C math library;
- Built-in fitting series such as:
+ power series (polynomial);
+ sine series;
+ cosine series;
+ Legendre polynomials;
+ series of Gaussians;
+ series of exponentials;
- User definable fitting functions;
- Totally dynamical allocation of variables and parameters;
- Possible selection of fitting ranges;
FUDGIT has a collection of fitting routines including:
- straight line (linear) least squares;
- straight line (linear) least absolute deviation;
- general linear least squares using QR decomposition;
- general linear least squares using singular value decomposition;
- nonlinear Marquardt-Levenberg method;
Refer to the ``User's Manual'' for a complete description and a
tutorial on I/O and fitting.
See also:
Modes, C, cmode, fmode, pmode, fit, set, read, save, let
FUDGIT is composed of three different modes. These modes can be
thought of as a C-shell like interpreter linked with a calculator,
sharing the same variables in memory, and with a plotting program of
our choice.
The C-shell like interpreter is called the ``fitting mode''. It is
the central mode and is the one from which all accesses to the disk
are done. This mode has a range of commands allowing the user to read
vectors from or save vectors to a data file, to read a command script,
save the command history, do a Fourier transform of a vector, make a
linear or nonlinear least square fit, etc... This mode also allows the
user to define macros and aliases, and to perform plotting-fitting
batch processes by using some of the built-in flow control commands
(while, foreach, if-else-endif). All the commands in the fitting mode
can be abbreviated. It is worth mentioning that in the fitting mode
the command line parsing is done by analyzing words separated by one
or more blanks (space or tab), as in an interactive csh.
The ``C-calculator mode'' is a language interpreter supporting most of
C grammar except pointers. It also supports the complete
double-precision C math library. Thus, recognized keywords cannot be
abbreviated, and the different tokens need not be separated. Most of
the C operators and keywords are understood and a few extra operators
have been added. This mode does essentially all the possible
calculations on variables or vectors. Functions and procedures can be
defined. String variables, string comparison, addition, subtraction
are also supported by C-calculator mode. This mode is accessed by the
command `cmode'.
Finally, the ``plotting mode'' is a channel talking directly to the
plotting program of your choice. Therefore, FUDGIT can serve as a
front end to any plotting program able to accept input from stdin.
This way, vectors can be build from the calculator and then plotted by
your favorite plotting program. The default plotting program is
The `&' operator forces FUDGIT to use the built-in following fitting
mode command and to ignore any existing macro or alias with the same
name. This can be useful in constructions like:
macro cd 1
pmode cd "$1"
&cd $1 # The built-in cd
See also:
macro, cd
If anywhere in the middle of a line, a `\' will indicate
FUDGIT to take the following character as is. If at the end of a
line, a `\' indicates that the present line continues on the
following one, and thus to ignore the following carriage return.
See also:
line editing
Any line beginning with the so-called bang operator `!' will execute
the system command line with a Bourne shell. Aliased commands as found
in your interactive C-shell do not hold any more. For example,
commands like `!rm' will not be interactive (i.e. /bin/rm -i) even
if you have such an alias in your ".cshrc" file. Be careful! A
nice turnaround is to alias rm to ``! rm -i'' in your
".fudgitrc" file and to use the `rm' command directly from
FUDGIT's shell.
When used in a macro name or an alias name, the `!' character has
still another meaning. This tells the parser that characters following
the `!' are optional. Therefore, if one types the following,
interactively, (see NOTE)
set noexpand
alias da!te !date
set expand
then the parser will recognize `da', `dat' and `date' as
all synonymous to the system command `! date' run through a Bourne
NOTE: In interactive mode, the history functions will try to interpret
a history substitution if the `!' is not followed by a space. See the
appendices. To avoid that the line be scanned for a history event
designator, use the `set noexpand' command. In some cases, it
might be simpler to use the `system' command.
! mail
See also:
alias, ls, vi, foreach, system, set expand
A question mark will indicate FUDGIT to try to get the possible
options available to the command presently typed. This kind of help is
context sensitive and works when an insufficient number of arguments
is supplied. The question mark also serves as a wild character in
string subtraction.
"command" ?
show ?
set function ?
See also:
help, strings
The `$' operator expands scalar variables or constants (double
precision numbers from C-calculator mode lookup table) as well as
string variables or constants. Existing scalar variables can thus be
expanded as a string in order to serve as a file name or directory
name, for example. The expansion is done according to the value given
to the `set vformat' command which initially defaults to
``%.3g''. Using the scalar variable expansion operator in
C-calculator mode is not recommanded since a lot of precision might be
lost (actually it is a waste!). Scalar variable expansion is
essentially provided to allow alternative procedures in certain cases,
such as generating filenames from numbers. Math function `scan'
can be considered as the complement of scalar variable expansion.
The `$' character also expands string variables. Expansion is done by
replacing the $"String-Variable-Name" by the value of the string
variable. This can be used to replace `scan' in cases where the
string variable or constant represents a number. For example
foreach File in echo 2.2 4.4 6.7 8.32
let x = $File
In both cases, if the variable name has to be followed by alphanumeric
characters, then the variable name can be delimited by braces as in
standard csh.
Followed by an integer number, the `$' character serves to designate
the arguments of a macro. Refer to the description of `macro',
concerning this point.
See also:
C, cmode, macro, echo, exit
Command `_dumplot' is generally used in a macro to dump vectors
in the plotting pipe. It is described in more detail under
`special' item.
Command `_killplot' is rarely used. It sends a KILL signal to the
plotting program. It is described in more detail under `special'
The `adjust' command is used to specify the parameters to be
adjusted in the ``least square linear'' and the ``Marquardt-Levenberg
nonlinear'' fitting methods. Parameters not being adjusted will have
their standard deviation set to zero.
adjust "index-list"
adjust 1 2 4
See also:
set parameters, set method, set function, fit, show fit
The `alias' command is used to alias a multiple word command to a
single word. Although macros and aliases are different objects, it is
not allowed to define a macro and an alias with the same name since
aliases are always expanded first. Recall that the bang operator
(`!'), at the beginning of a line is recognized from a macro, an alias
or a script file so that an alias like
alias date !date
is perfectly legal. However, this would have to be typed
alias date ! date
at the interactive command line, to avoid that the `!' be interpreted
by the history functions.
When called without arguments, `alias' will list all the current
aliases. For obvious reasons, it is not allowed to `alias'
"unalias". `alias' also supports the command abbreviation character
`!'. To enter a `!' without having it interpreted by the history
functions, just `set noexpand' for the time entering the command.
When a `!' is part of the alias name this indicates that the alias
command name can be abbreviated down to that point. Since the `&'
operator is used to refer to the native commands, it is therefore
forbidden to start an alias name by character '&'.
alias "command" "command-list"
alias mv !mv
alias . quit
alias da!te !date
See also:
!, &, macro, unalias, set expand
The `append' command can be used to append various things to an
existing file. If the file does not already exists, it will be
automatically created.
The `save' command can be used to save various things to a file.
If a file with the same name already exists, it will be overwritten
without any warning.
?append history
?save history
History can be saved or appended to a file. Any file saved this way
can later be executed by the `load' command. Note that `append
history' will silently fail if the file does not exist.
append history "filename"
save history "filename"
See also:
load, line editing, fmode
?append macros
?save macros
All the current macros and aliases can be saved or appended to a file.
Any file saved this way can be subsequently `load'ed at any time.
To avoid confusion between data files and script files we recommand
that you use the ".ft" extension for your script files.
append macros "filename"
save macros "filename"
See also:
alias, unalias, load, show, macro, unmacro
?append parameters
?save parameters
Parameters can be saved into a file at any time. The number output
format will be the one chosen by the `set format' command. The
column order will be a parameter followed by its standard deviation.
All columns are separated by a tab. Therefore, if one has previously
set parameters, i.e.
set parameters MYPAR 3
save parameters myfile
then there will be 6 columns as follows:
in file "myfile". Most of the time, the user will desire to
save parameters along with some variables or constants. This can be
done by giving the variable or constant (either string or scalar)
names on the command line. For example,
let t = 0.23
set parameters A 2
save parameters t parfile
will create a file "parfile" containing the value of scalar
variable `t', followed by the 2 values of parameters `A',
alternated with the value of their standard deviations `DA'.
Note that the given list of variables will be printed first.
append parameters "variable-list(optional)" "filename"
save parameters "variable-list(optional)" "filename"
See also:
set format, set parameters, show parameters
?append variables
?save variables
Any variable or number of variables can be saved to a file at any
time. Vector elements referenced by an explicit index are considered
as variables. String variables and constants are recognized as well.
append variables "variable-list" "filename"
save variables "variable-list" "filename"
append variables x Y[3] a VECTOR[78] datafile1
save variables t PARAM[2] DPARAM[2] datafile2
See also:
load, cmode, let, C, show, auto
?append vectors
?save vectors
Any vector or number of vectors can be saved to a file. All the values
are written in columns separated by a tab. The number format will be
the one chosen by the `set format' command.
append vectors "VECTOR-list" "filename"
save vectors "VECTOR-list" "filename"
append vectors X Y ERROR1 TEST2 datafile1
save vectors TIME TEMP DT datafile2
See also:
set format, set data, read, fit, fft, show, auto
The `auto' keyword is used to define automatic variables. The type
of variable can be a scalar variable, a VECTOR or a String, depending
on the upper-lower case letters in the variable name. The scope of
auto variables is delimited by braces as in C. All auto variables are
stored on the stack and are freed when the scope of the variable is
left. Definition of variables can only be done right after a brace has
been opened. Only scalar variables can be assigned as the are defined,
while vectors are assigned to zero, and strings are empty. Contrarily
to C, automatic scalar variables are set to zero if not assigned.
`auto' is a C-calculator mode keyword.
auto "var-list"
# Some dummy examples
set data 100
x = y = 1 # These (x, y) are global
X = y++ # As well as vector X
{ auto x=2, X, Y # All these variables are local...
X=3; Y=sin(x)
} # ...and stop existing here
x # This x still contains 1
# An example with a procedure
proc test(x) {
auto y=2
z = x + y++ # This z is global
See also:
C, cmode, func, proc
The `break' keyword is used as in C to break C-calculator mode
`for' or `while' loops. `break' is a C-calculator mode
See also:
C, continue, cmode, for, while
The following gives a brief description of the supported C-calculator
syntax and differences with standard C.
The following operators are recognized, in order of precedence:
++, -- (post and pre) increment-decrement
-, ! unary minus and logical NOT
^ exponentiation, right associative
/, *, % division, multiplication, modulo
+, - addition, subtraction
>, >=, <, <=, ==, != relational operators
&& logical AND
|| logical OR
=, +=, -=, /=, *= assignments, right associative
All operators are left associatives except those specified.
They are all common to C except for the exponentiation operator.
The following keywords are reserved tokens: `auto, if, else, while,
for, break, continue', and `return', plus two extra keywords
`proc, func'. They roughly obey the same syntax as in C so that statements
if ("conditions")
if ("conditions") "cmode-line-statement"
if ("conditions") {
The same thing is true for the else constructions `else' of which
some examples follow:
if ("conditions")
if ("conditions") {
} else {
Here "cmode-line-statement" means any semicolon separated list
of C-calculator mode statements typed on the same line. Since
semicolons are separators and not terminators, empty statements are
defined by empty braces `{ }'.
The `return' keyword must have parentheses when returning a value
from a function as in `return(x * sin(y))'. A single `return'
will only be recognized from within a procedure.
To avoid potential confusion with variables, keywords cannot be
As opposed to C, there exists no integer in the C-calculator mode. All
scalar variables and numbers are double precision. This means that
logical true is 1.0 and false is 0.0. As in C, one must be careful
with comparison operators. The C `switch' syntax is not supported
(would require integers).
As an extension, string comparison is possible with the equality
operators `==' and `!='. This will return true or false if the string
variables (or constants) are identical or not. Assignments of string
variables actually copies all characters of the string on the RHS to
the string variable on the LHS. String additions and subtractions are
also possible.
Function and procedure definitions are defined with prototypes, i.e.,
a list of variables representing the proper kind of variable. At
run-time, the arguments of the function are checked for type
compatibility and for their number.
All variables are global except automatic variables defined using the
`auto' keyword.
See also:
cmode, let, math, scan, strings, auto
The `cd' command changes the working directory. Called with no
argument, `cd' will bring you to your $HOME directory. Note that
`cd' changes the current working directory of FUDGIT only.
Therefore, your plotting program will still be in the previous
directory. To get around this difficulty, you only have to define a
macro as follows, if your plotting program supports `cd':
macro Cd 1
pmode cd "$1"
&cd $1
alias cd Cd
cd "filename(optional)"
cd /nazgul/users/fulano
See also:
&, pwd, alias
The `cmode' command allows you to go in the C-calculator mode. The
only way to come back to the main fitting mode is by using the
`fmode' command or to type ^D in interactive mode. Commands cannot
be abbreviated in `cmode'. Parallel to the `cmode' command,
the `let' command can be used to pass one single command, or
command line to mathematical parser. To be consistent with `pmode'
command, `cmode' also accepts arguments in which case it is
equivalent to the `let' command. It is not an error to call
`cmode' from the C-calculator mode. A warning message will be given
cmode "command-list(optional)"
The C-calculator mode supports most of C syntax (see item C), and most
of the C math library. Thus, the following functions are supported:
trigo: hyperbolic: expo: special: conversion: random:
cos() cosh() ln() besy0() trunc() srand()
cot() coth() log() besy1() floor() rand()
csc() csch() exp() besj0() ceil()
sec() sech() sqrt() besj1() rint()
sin() sinh() cbrt() besjn() abs()
tan() tanh() besyn() int()
acos() acosh() erf() scan()
asin() asinh() erfc() min()
atan() atanh() lgamma() max()
atan2() interp() sum()
Any upper case variable (possibly including `_') possibly mixed with
digits will be recognized as a vector, e.g., `TEMP_2, TEST, D',
etc. Any lower case name will be taken as a scalar variable, e.g.,
`x, t4', etc. There are two predefined constants, `pi' =pi
and `e'=e, which should not be unlocked and modified. As well,
the built-in constant `data' contains the current size of the
vectors and can be modified through the `set data' command, by the
`read'/`exec' commands, or by `unlock'ing the constant and
modifying it directly. The built-in constant `chi2' contains the
value of chi^2 as obtained from the latest fit. And finally, the
built-in scalar constant `param' contains the number of parameters
as defined by `set parameters'.
A mix of upper case and lower case letters will serve to indicate a
string variable. Strings values are indicated by double quotes as in
C. Unlike C, FUDGIT considers strings as self-contained objects that
can be added, subtracted, and checked for (in)equality. Thus, string
objects (i.e. string variables, string constants and string values)
can: serve as argument to `scan' function; be part of string
assignment statements or of a truth statement involving (in)equality
operator; be added (concatenated using the `+' operator) one with
another; be subtracted (remove string termination using the `-'
operator) one with another; and finally be argument of string
A predefined string constant called `Tmp' contains the string
"/tmp/fudgitPID" where PID is the process id number of the current
process. This file, and any file belonging to you, whose name starts
with the same string, will be erased automatically by the `exit'
or `quit' commands. This string is typically used by the
`gnuplot' macro in order to pass data to the GNUPLOT plotting program
which cannot read data from standard input. Another predefined string
constant is `ReadFile' which contains the last data filename that
has been loaded. Finally, the string constant `Cwd' is made
available in order to get the current working directory.
The following table contains all the built-in constants.
chi2 Value of chi^2 from the last fit;
data Length of all vectors (< samples) as set by set data;
e Neperian number;
param Number of parameters as set by set parameters;
pi Guess this one;
Cwd Current working directory;
ReadFile The last file (program) read by read (exec);
Tmp A temporary filename "/tmp/fudgitPID";
Constants (either strings and scalars) can also be created by
`lock'ing a variable. In the same manner, a constant can be modified
directly if it has been `unlock'ed.
The algebraic operations applicable to scalar variables can be applied
to vectors. Vector algebra can be mixed with scalar variable algebra
in which case the user has to take the implied loop into account. For
example, although the following operation is not standard C
NOTE: In order to show that some commands can be typed from both
C-calculator mode and the fitting fmode, the following examples shows
the typing mode from the first line. However, one can always type the
same C-calculator mode command from the fitting mode by using the
`let' command (or `cmode' command).
x = 0
X = x++
will define a vector X of size `data' (see `set data')
ranging from X[1] to X[data] and taking values from 0 to
data-1. Multiple commands can be given with the separator `;', for
example, another version of the previous command could be written
in which case a vector X taking values from 1 to data will be
created. (Note that the latter uses a pre-increment whereas the
former uses a post-increment operator on `x': results are thus
different). Vector elements can be referenced by elements using
standard C grammar. Therefore, the same vector could be created by
using a `while' construction as in:
set data 1000
let X=0;i=0
while (i++ <= data)
X[i] = i
or, using a `for' loop,
for (x=0;x<=data;x++) {
X[x] = x
Noninteger variables will be truncated to the nearest lower integer to
form a vector index.
y= 2.01
x=2.23; X[2]=Z[y]+5^x
Assigning a vector to a constant will assign all the elements to that
let X = pi
let Z2 = 0
The C-calculator checks for undefined variables on the RHS of any
assignment. From C-calculator mode, variables values can be seen by
typing the variable name by itself or by using the `print'
command, if the output is selected to be "stdout". From the
fitting mode, contents of constants and variables (either strings or
scalars) is displayed using `show variables' command, or by using
the `$' expansion operator. However, vectors can be only be seen from
the fitting mode by using the `show vector' command.
Each unknown vector name given on the command line allocates a vector
of `sample' size.
To be a calculator as such, the C-calculator prints the value of the
expression given on the command line. Thus, the statement
x + 2
will print the value of x + 2.0. The contents of many variables can
be displayed at the same time by giving a coma separated list such as
x,"temperature", t
where the string "temperature" will be printed between the values
of variables x and t. Note that the C-calculator mode recognizes
strings by double quotes. Special characters such as '\n' are
also legal in a string.
We conclude by giving some examples involving string variables:
let String = "new.file"
let x = (String == "new.file")
let y = ("file1" == "file2")
let Bing = "aaa"
let Here = Cwd # Store the value of the current working directory
let Input = Read() # Read from stdin
let Test = FileName(ReadFile) - ".data"
let Dir = DirName(InputFile)
let y = scan(Read(), "%lf")
let File = "STRING_23.4"
let number = scan("%*[_A-Z]%lf", File)
let Message = "A tab t and a newlinen"
where the truth statement could be legally used as a condition for an
`if', a `while', or a `for'.
See also:
let, C, data, func, proc, print, fmode, math, while, for, return,
auto, if, break, samples, quotes, strings
By default, anything following a ``#'' will be treated as a
comment and ignored. This holds for data files as well as for command
script files loaded with the `load' command. This default can be
changed with the `set comment' command. Sometimes a comment
character needs to be taken literally in a script file. The comment
character will be accepted as data if it follows the `\' escape
operator, i.e. `\#', or, in the fitting mode only, whenever the
comment character is somewhere inside quotes or parentheses. The
comment character is always accepted literally when typed on the
interactive command line.
See also:
set comment, read, load, show comment, exec
The `continue' keyword has the same usage it has in C for sending
the control to the next iteration of a `for' or `while' loop.
`continue' is a C-calculator mode command.
See also:
for, while, cmode, C
Files containing data are loaded by specifying the name of the data
file to the `read' command. Data files should contain one data
point per line. A data point can be a 256 dimensional object. By
default, anything following character ``#'' will be treated as
comment and ignored. In all cases, the numbers on each line of a data
file must be separated by any number of blank spaces or tabs. These
blanks divide each line into columns. Thus, FUDGIT can handle up to
256 columns per line. Warning will be given if a line has a different
number of columns. Strings such as "NaN" or "Infinity" are
recognized and refused. The default compilation gives a maximum line
size of 1024 characters.
See also:
read, exec, set comment
The `echo' command allows the user to print a string to the
standard output. If no argument is given `echo' will only print a
newline. This command can be used to display a message or, when
coupled with the variable expansion operator `$', to see the value of
a printable (either string or scalar) variable defined in the
echo "string-list"
echo Starting the fit
echo $Mydir
See also:
cmode, $
The `else' keyword is used in `if' constructions, both in
C-calculator anf fitting modes. Refer to the `if' entries for a
complete description.
The `end' command is used to complete a `foreach' loop or a
`while' loop. Keyword `end' is also used to tell `read'
that we are finished writing data to stdin. This command should always
be found on a line by itself (comments are allowed though).
See also: foreach, while, read, stop
The `endif' command is used to complete an `if' construction
in fitting mode. Keyword `endif' must always be used on a line by
itself (comments are allowed though). Refer to the `if' entries
for a the complete description.
FUDGIT is sensitive to the following environment variables:
=> PAGER for the program called to format long listings.
=> HOME for the directory to which `cd' defaults.
=> SHELL for the shell called by `system' when this
latter is called without arguments.
If not defined, the default pager is "/usr/?/more" (path depends
on system) and the default shell "/bin/csh".
See also:
cd, system, show vectors, help
The command `exec' executes a program and reads data from it. It
supports the same syntax `read' does except that the program name
replaces the file name. A program is a program name or anything that
can be typed in a shell. If the command line has more than one string,
it must be glued with quotes. On a successful call, `exec' will
set the string constant `ReadFile' to the name of the program
which generated the data.
exec "commands" "assignment[range](optional)" ...
exec simulate X:1 Y:2[0:200]
exec "cat data | myfilter -g" X1:1[0:*] X2:2 X3:4
See also:
read, comments
The commands `exit' and `quit' will exit FUDGIT.
See details under item `quit'.
See also:
quit, cmode
The `fft' command will take the Fourier transform of the specified
vectors and put the real part in a vector specified by the third
argument. The imaginary part will be put in a vector specified by the
fourth argument. Input vectors can be used for output. The resulting
vectors will contain frequencies ranging from 0 to N/2 followed by
-(N/2 - 1) to -1 in units of 1/(N*Delta) where Delta is the
sampling rate. If a real vector is transformed h(t) -> H(f), we
should have H(-f) = H^*(f). Therefore, with H = R + iI and
H^* = R - iI be the transformed vectors, we should have
R(-f) = R(f) and I(-f) = -I(f), where f is discrete and ranges
as mentioned above. In terms of vector indices, these relations
become R[i] = R[N-i+2] and I[i] = -I[N-i+2] for 1 < i < N/2 in
addition to the fact that I[1] = I[(N/2)+1] = 0. Therefore, because
the negative frequency part is the mirror image of the positive one,
it is common to plot only the positive frequencies of the Fourier
transform of a real vector. This can be done by reducing `data' to
half its value.
Because of the use of a FFT algorithm, the number of data points must
be an integer power of 2. If not, the user should pad the vector with
zeros up to the next largest power of two. Each transform is
normalized by the factor sqrt(N) so that `fft RE IM T_RE T_IM'
followed by `invfft T_RE T_IMA RE2 IMA2' will not introduce a
factor N in vectors `RE2' and `IMA2' (i.e., `RE' = `RE2'
and `IM' = `IM2'). At his choice, the user can use the
C-calculator functionality in order to implement windowing.
The power spectrum can be obtained from:
let POW = T_RE^2 + T_IMA^2
where POW[i] will contain the power value associated with frequency f,
which goes from 0 to N/2 followed by -(N/2 - 1) to -1 (in units
of 1/(N*Delta)) as i goes from 1 to N.
fft "real-VECTOR" "ima-VECTOR" "real-VECTOR" "ima-VECTOR"
# real vector X
let IM=0
# re-use IM vector for output
fft X IM Z IM
# complex vectors X+iY where i = sqrt(-1) transformed in V+iW
fft X Y V W
See also:
invfft, smooth, cmode, let, read, math, data
The `fit' command is used to fit a function, chosen by `set
function', to a pair of vectors containing the independent and
dependent variables. Depending on the type of fit, selected by the
`set method' command, a third vector containing the standard
deviation might be required. `fit' allocates a vector having the
name of the dependent variable appended with the string `FIT'.
This vector contains the computed values of the function for the given
independent vector. Depending on the method, the built-in constant
`chi2' will contain the value of the mean square deviation
weighted by vector "sigma-VECTOR" or the mean absolute deviation.
fit "independent-VECTOR" "dependent-VECTOR" "sigma-VECTOR"
fit X Y DY
will create a vector `YFIT' containing the value of the fitted
function for each of the values of the independent vector `X'.
Note that the standard deviation is required for most fitting routines
since it is used to weigh the value of local square deviation from the
fit (in fact, this is the definition of chi^2). If
"sigma-VECTOR" is unavailable just use
let DY=1
using the previous example. This simply gives the same weight to all
data points.
See also:
set method, set function, show fit, show parameters, append
The `fmode' command allows you to return to the fitting mode, when
the program is in one of the C-calculator or plotting modes. The
fitting mode, is the main mode of the program. The two other modes are
the C-calculator mode, accessed by the `cmode' command, and the
plotting mode, accessed by the `pmode' command. When used
interactively, ^D returns to the fitting mode from either of the
C-calculator mode or from the plotting mode. It is not an error to
call `fmode' from the fitting mode. A warning message will be
given though.
See also:
cmode, pmode, let
The `for' command is a C-calculator mode command. It behaves
roughly like a standard C `for' construction. In interactive
mode, any new input line will be prompted with a ``n{... n\t''
where `n' stands for the nesting level and `\t' for a tab.
Keyword `for' is a C-calculator mode command.
for ("init-expressions"; "cond-expressions"; "loop-expressions")
for ("init-expressions"; "cond-expressions"; "loop-expressions") {
for (i=1,j=2;i+j <= data; i+=2,j+=3) A[i] = X[j]
# Another example:
# A macro to remove point x in a vector. Syntax: delete "vector" "index"
macro delete 2
for(i=$2;i<data;i++) {
$1[i] = $1[i+1]
unlock data
let data--
lock data
See also:
C, break, continue, cmode, if, set data, func, proc, if, lock, math
The `foreach' command loops through the strings obtained from a
given UNiX command. Wild card characters are allowed since
everything following the `in' keyword is passed to a Bourne shell
for execution. Strings can be obtained from any program including the
easiest cases "echo, ls" and "cat". The variable name must be
of string type, i.e., consisting of both upper case and lower case
letters (and possibly _'s and digits).
foreach "StringVarName" in "UNiX-command"
"body of the loop"
#convert columns 2 and 3 of the following files in log-log format
foreach Fname in ls data*.7[0-9] datatest.42 data*.8[4-7]
echo $Fname ...
read $Fname X:2[0.001:*] Y:3[0.001:*]
let X = log(X)
let Y = log(Y)
save vectors X Y $Fname.log
See also:
for, math function scan, while, macro
The command `free' is made available for memory management. It is
used to free vectors, variables, functions, procedures, and numbers
that were allocated in the C-calculator mode.
When called with the special argument ``@all'', `free' will erase
all the user vectors, numbers and variables, as well as all active
functions and procedures (not macros and aliases). Otherwise, `free'
will free the specified vector(s) or variable(s). Constants (either
scalar or string) cannot be removed without first unlocking them.
free "VECTOR- or variable-list"
free @all
free @all
free X y TEMP
See also:
unlock, C, cmode, show table, show memory, samples, let
The `func' command defines a function. A function is distinct from
a procedure from the fact that a function must return a value whereas
a procedure must not. Arguments are given in the definition with any
name prototype representative of the data type. As in C, the argument
list must be comma separated when calling the function (after having
defined it). An example follows. `func' is a C-calculator mode
The prototype list defines the type of variable to be used. Although
all global variables are accessible from within the function,
variables are always searched for from the prototype list first, then
from the local list (`auto' variables), and finally from the
global list. All scalar variables are passed by value: thus any scalar
expression is legal as scalar argument. String arguments and vector
arguments are passed by pointer: thus string and vector arguments must
refer to a variable explicitly. The `show table' can be used to
list all the installed objects at a given time.
func "functionname"("proto-list(optional)") "cmode-line-statement"; return("value")
func "functionname"("proto-list(optional)") {
# The following example will print the factorial of all integers up to 120.
func fac(x) { # This `x' is a prototype: it does not exist.
if (x <= 0) {
} else {
return(x * fac(--x))
x=1 # This `x' is a global scalar variable
while (x<120) {
# The following calculates the average of a vector
func avg(X) {
auto i,x
for (x=0,i=1;i<=data;i++) {
x += X[i]
See also:
C, return, for, while, cmode, math, free, proc, show table, install
The `help' command displays on-line help. To specify information on a
particular topic use the syntax:
help "topic"
If "topic" is not specified, a short message is displayed about
FUDGIT. Topic names can be abbreviated down to the shortest
unambiguous string. In case of doubt, `help' will print out all
possible completions. Thus, `help f' will print all help topics
starting with the letter `f'. After help for the requested topic has
been given, help for a subtopic may be requested by typing the
subtopic name, extending the help request. After that subtopic help
has been displayed, the request may be extended again, or pressing
return will return one level back to the previous topic. Eventually,
the fitting mode prompt will return.
See also:
The `history' command lists all the previous command lines, along
with a number. History lines can be called using the !"string"
construction or the !"number". History is only available in
interactive mode. See Appendix A for more details.
Syntax: history
See also:
append history, line editing
There are two kinds of `if' constructions available in FUDGIT,
one in the fitting mode and the other in the C-calculator mode.
?if cmode_style
In C-calculator mode, `if' and `else' are reserved keywords.
C-calculator mode `if' construction is similar to the one in
standard C. Note that "cmode-statements" refers to any sequence of
C-calculator mode commands and that "cmode-line-statement" refers
to a semicolon separated list of C-calculator mode commands typed on
the same line.
if ("conditions") "cmode-line-statement"
if ("conditions")
if ("conditions") {
or, using the `else' constructions,
if ("conditions")
or, for statements on more than one line,
if ("conditions") {
} else if ("conditions") {
} else {
See also:
C, cmode
?if fmode-style
Fitting mode `if' has a syntax very similar to the one in C-shell.
It requires the keywords `then' and `endif' and supports
`else' constructions. The difference resides in the fact that the
conditional statement has to follow C-calculator mode grammar and
syntax and thus has a richer set of operators. The `$' expansion
operator is therefore not needed in the conditional statement, as it
is in C-shell conditional statements. All active variables, constants,
and their string counterparts, are directly available to the
conditional statement. Note that the "fmode-statements" can also
contain C-calculator mode commands (even possibly including
C-calculator mode `if''s!).
if ("conditions") then
or, using the `else' constructions,
if ("conditions") then
else if ("conditions") then
See also:
while, foreach, macro
The `in' keyword is required in `foreach' constructions in
fitting mode. Refer to the latter for details.
The `install' command dynamically loads defined routines from an
object file. The user decides on the internal name of the routine but
the internal name must consist of lower case letters only. The object
file is an object compiled by the C or FORTRAN compiler. On IRIX, the
object must be compiled with the option `-G 0' given to either the
C or FORTRAN compiler. The "rtn-name" is the name of one of the
procedure(s) or function(s) the user wants to install from the
object file. The routine will be installed as "name" and as a
procedure (not returning value) or as a function (returning value)
depending on the name separator being a `:' (colon) or a `='
(equal sign) respectively. (See example below).
NOTE: This option is only available on IRIX and SUNOS for the moment.
The external routine must expect pointers to double for all its
arguments. Thus, all arguments are passed by pointers except that
pointers to variables do not point to the variables as such but to a
temporary copy of them. This allows us to have expressions like
`f = mycall(X, sin(x) + 1, data)'
for which the value `sin(x) + 1' must necessarily be a temporary copy.
In this example, the prototype is a function `mycall(VEC, expr, expr)'.
We shall consider an example in more detail below. All arguments are
strongly typed as vector, parameter, expression or string. Prototyping
is done using the uppercase-lowercase convention. Parameters are prototyped
using the word `PARAM' or less (e.g. `PAR').
On IRIX, the linker will create a binary file built from the module
name and with the extension "file".`ld'. This binary is the
one that will be loaded in memory. Time stamps are included so that
`ld(1)' will not be called if not necessary. These files are not
erased at exit, since they are reusable and prevent the linker to be
called if nothing changed between two sessions of FUDGIT.
Successive calls of `install' with the same module should not be
done unless the same functions and procedures are reinstalled. If this
is the case, the user should then reinstall the same modules (that
could have been modified and recompiled in the mean time) using the
`reinstall' command. If a module is reinstalled with different
routines or function or procedure names, the previously defined
functions or procedures might not be properly installed anymore and
calling them might result in an undefined behavior.
The file "fudgit.h" describes the functions user-defined programs
can linked with. Among other things, these functions allow the user to
have elegant error handling and exit.
The `show table' command can be used to list all the installed
objects at a given time.
A file having the same base name of the module but with the extension
"libs" can be put in the same directory in order to include extra
libraries while loading the module. On IRIX, these extra libraries
must all contain objects compiled with the flag "-G 0" (see
`cc(1)'). (For example, some IRIX systems have a -lm_G0 math
library.) User-defined libraries can be specified along with system
libraries. A typical example could be a line like:
/home/myname/myproject/libmyG0.a /usr/lib/libmG0.a
for linking with user's library "/home/myname/myproject/libmyG0.a".
Equivalently, for non-IRIX systems, loading a FORTRAN object might
require something like this:
/usr/lib/libF77.a /usr/lib/libm.a
Library names can be on multiple lines. However, the file cannot have
more than 1024 bytes. A ``#'' found anywhere in this file will make
the rest of the file to be ignored.
Note that when loading FORTRAN code, the user must append an underscore
to the routine name so that `install' or `reinstall' can find it.
The IRIX version does not fully support incremental linking, i.e., to
use, in an object to be installed, symbols that were defined in
previously `install'ed objects. However, all the symbols contained
in the original FUDGIT executable remain at all time available to
all linked routines. Therefore, IRIX users should make sure that
external objects are self-contained and only reference to external
routines that are intrinsic to FUDGIT or come directly (and once)
from linked libraries at installation time.
install "object-file" "rtn-name"[:|=]"name"(arg-list)...
hostname: cat mymodule.c
#include <math.h>
#include "fudgit.h"
/* An example of a user-defined routine inversing the order of an even
* vector. Typical call would be:
* myproc(A_VEC, data)
* from C-calculator mode. NOTE that both VEC and expr are pointers.
* To make things explicit, fudgit.h contains a few typedef's.
void myproc(X, dn)
expr dn;
int i, half_n;
int n = (int)*dn; /* note that dn is a pointer to a double */
double tmp;
if (n%2 == 1) /* report error if odd number (Why not?)*/
Ft_matherror("%s: Called with an odd number %d.", "myproc", n);
/* You have full use of math and stdio libraries too!!! */
"BTW, Did you know that %lf is the sqrt(pi)?n", sqrt(M_PI));
half_n = n >>1; /* half of n */
for (i=0;i<half_n;i++) { /* Standard C: indices from 0 to data-1 */
tmp = X[i];
X[i] = X[n-i];
X[n-i] = tmp;
* Another example involving a function. The following calculates the
* non-normalized correlation between vectors A and B as defined by
* corr(A, B) = <A*B> - <A> * <B>
double myfunc(A, B, dn)
expr dn;
int i, n = (int)*dn; /* Again, dn is a pointer to a double */
double sumA, sumB, sumAB;
sumA = sumB = sumAB = 0.0;
/* sum up the values of interest */
for (i=0;i<n; i++) { /* indices go from 0 to data-1 */
sumA += A[i];
sumB += B[i];
sumAB += A[i] * B[i];
/* leave it simple */
sumA /= *dn;
sumB /= *dn;
sumAB /= *dn;
return (sumAB - sumA*sumB);
hostname: cc -G 0 -O -c mymodule.c
hostname: cat loadex.ft
# This is an example for loading
# Install function myfunc as corr() and procedure myproc as inverse()
# Prototypes are made from any name representing the proper type:
install mymodule.o myproc:inverse(V, n) myfunc=corr(V, V, n)
set data 24
let x=1;X=x++
let Y=sin(X)
# Inverse order of vector X
inverse(X, data)
# Calculate correlation between X and Y
y=corr(X, Y, data)
# Print its value
"correlation:", y
hostname: fudgit loadex.ft
install: myproc installed as procedure inverse.
install: myfunc installed as function corr.
BTW, Did you know that 1.772454 is the sqrt(pi)?
correlation: 9.20717026e-01
When linking FORTRAN functions or subroutines, the user must append an
underscore after every function or subroutine name. All argument
variables and vectors have to be defined `double precision' as
well as returning functions. Typical examples are included in the
distribution in the "tools" directory.
See also:
C, cmode, show table, func, proc
Command `invfft' performs the inverse Fourier transform of the
given vectors. It assumes that the frequencies are ordered from 0 to
N/2 followed by negative frequencies ranging from -(N-1)/2 to -1
in units of 1/(N*Delta) where Delta is the sampling interval.
The results are normalized by a factor 1/sqrt(N) so that a
transform followed by an inverse transform should give the original
vector. The resulting vectors are stored in the third and fourth
arguments. Thus, `invfft X Y V W' inverse transforms X+iY into
V+iW. Input vectors can be used as output vectors. See `fft' for
more details.
invfft "real-VECTOR" "ima-VECTOR" "real-VECTOR" "ima-VECTOR"
See also:
fft, smooth, cmode, let, read, math, data
The `let' command opens the door to the C-calculator mode from the
fitting mode, but leaves the program in fitting mode. All the
`let' commands can always be typed directly from the C-calculator mode
without having to prepend with the `let' keyword. The converse is
also true; all the commands given in C-calculator mode could be typed
from the fitting mode by prepending them with the `let' command.
Although `let' is typed from the fitting mode, the remainder of
the line is parsed according to C-calculator mode rules, and thus
quotes are no longer swallowed. Variable expansion operator `$' is
still recognized, but its use is not recommanded for C-calculator
statements. See `$' for more details on this point.
let "C-calculator-mode-commands"
# generate the zero order first kind bessel
# function between (0, 2*pi]
set data 2000
let x=1; X=x++
let tmp = 2*pi/data # compute sequence only once
let X *= tmp
let Y = besj0(X)
See also:
cmode, C, math
The command shell supports line editing and history. The editing
commands are based on the basic EMACS commands. A short summary
follows but a more complete description can be found in Appendix B.
Line editing:
=> ^B moves back a single character.
=> ^F moves forward a single character.
=> ^A moves to the beginning of the line.
=> ^E moves to the end of the line.
=> ^H and DEL delete the previous character.
=> ^D deletes the current character.
=> ^K deletes from current position to the end of line.
=> ^L,^R redraws line in case it gets trashed.
=> ^U deletes the entire line.
=> ^W deletes the last word.
=> ^P moves back through history.
=> ^N moves forward through history.
=> !! previous command.
=> !$ previous command last argument.
=> !"string" last command starting with "string".
=> tab complete command if first arg, filename otherwise.
=> esc-? or double tab list possible completions.
Each line of input must be smaller than 1024 bytes which is more than
sufficient for most applications. Lines can be continued on several
lines provided carriage returns follow a `\' (as in standard
See also:
append history, $, history
The `load' command executes each line of the specified input file
as if it had been typed in interactively. Files created by the
`save history' command can be `load'ed directly. Text files
containing valid commands can be created and then executed by the
`load' command. Files being `load'ed may themselves contain
`load' commands. See `comment' for information about comments in
command scripts. The `load' command is recursive so it can be
nested. The only limitation is the I/O stack which has a default
capacity of 32. This value can be easily changed at compilation time
of the program.
The current working directory always returns to the value in effect
before the loaded script was called. This is valid for nested
`load' commands too.
In order to avoid confusion between data files and script files we
strongly recommand you to stick to the conventional ".ft" extension
for your script files.
load "filename.ft"
A `load' command is also performed implicitly on any filenames
given as arguments to `fudgit', when called from your UNiX
session. These are loaded and executed in the order specified, and
then FUDGIT exits.
See also:
set comment, exec, startup, append history, append macros
Variables can be turned into constants using the `lock' command.
Once a variable is `lock'ed, any assignment trying to change its
value will result in a parsing error. This is valid for both scalar
and string variables. It is not an error to try to lock a constant. A
warning message will be given though. However, trying to lock an
unexisting variable or something else than a constant or variable will
result in an error.
lock "var-list"
See also:
C, cmode, unlock
The command `ls' calls ``/bin/ls -FC''. If any arguments are
given, those are passed to ``/bin/ls -FC''. Wild card characters are
possible since expansion is done by a Bourne shell.
ls "ls-argument-list"
ls p* test?
ls -l datafile
ls -l *.data
See also:
system, alias
The `macro' command allows the user to define macros. Macros can
be embedded, but another macro cannot be defined from within a macro,
mainly because of their common way to refer to arguments. The name of
the macro followed by the number of arguments required must be given.
The maximum number of arguments a macro can have is 16. An exclamation
mark in the macro name will indicate that the macro name can be
abbreviated and that the characters following the exclamation point
are optional. Macros are only recognized in the fitting mode. The
total length of each macro is limited to 2048 bytes in size. Macros
can be nested to a maximum of 32. Macros are only recognized from the
fitting mode.
macro "macroname" "argument-number"
"body of the macro"
# define a macro named fpl!ot (o, t, are optional)
# requiring 3 arguments . Uses the plotting program gnuplot.
# Syntax: fplot X Y YFIT
# plot X Y with data points and X YFIT with solid line
macro fpl!ot 3
# save vectors in temp file (will be automatically removed on exit)
save vec $1 $2 $3 $Tmp.fplot
# plot second column with points and third with line
pmode plot '$Tmp.fplot' us 1:2 wi point,
'$Tmp.fplot' us 1:3 wi line
See also:
append macros, show macros, load, startup, unmacro, alias, unalias
The C-calculator mode math functions found in FUDGIT are very close
to the corresponding functions found in the UNiX math library. Some
other functions, not found in the math library, are also part of
FUDGIT. Most of the numerically unstable functions (i.e. ln, log,
exp,...) check for both an argument out of range and a value out of
domain at each call. All math functions are double precision and can
only be called from the C-calculator mode, or by using the `let'
command from the fitting mode. These functions are also available in
the conditional statements of the fitting mode `if' and
`while', since these statements are C-calculator mode statements,
although part of fitting mode constructions.
?math abs
The `abs()' function returns the absolute value of its argument.
?math acos
The `acos()' function returns the arc cosine (inverse cosine) of
its argument. `acos()' returns its argument in radians.
?math acosh
The `acosh()' function returns the positive (principal) hyperbolic
arc cosine (inverse cosine) of its argument.
?math asin
The `asin()' function returns the arc sine (inverse sine) of its
argument. `asin()' returns its argument in radians.
?math asinh
The `asinh()' function returns the hyperbolic arc sine (inverse
sine) of its argument.
?math atan
The `atan()' function returns the arc tangent (inverse tangent) of
its argument. `atan()' returns its argument in radians.
?math atan2
The `atan2(y, x)' function returns the arc tangent (inverse
tangent) of the ratio of its arguments (y/x). `atan2()' returns
its argument in radians. The signs of y and x are used to
determine the quadrant.
?math atanh
The `atanh()' function returns the hyperbolic arc tangent (inverse
tangent) of its argument.
?math besj0
The `besj0()' function returns the j0th Bessel function of its
argument, i.e it returns the zero^th order Bessel function of the
first kind. `besj0()' expects its argument to be in radians.
?math besj1
The `besj1()' function returns the j1st Bessel function of its
argument, i.e it returns the first order Bessel function of the first
kind. `besj1()' expects its argument to be in radians.
?math besjn
The `besjn(n, x)' function returns the jnst Bessel function of its
argument, i.e it returns the n^th order Bessel function of the
first kind. `besjn()' expects its second argument to be in
?math besy0
The `besy0()' function returns the y0th Bessel function of its
argument, i.e it returns the zero^th order Bessel function of the
second kind. `besy0()' expects its argument to be in radians.
?math besy1
The `besy1()' function returns the y1st Bessel function of its
argument, i.e it returns the first order Bessel function of the second
kind. `besy1()' expects its argument to be in radians.
?math besyn
The `besyn(n, x)' function returns the ynst Bessel function of its
argument, i.e it returns the n^th order Bessel function of the
second kind. `besyn()' expects its second argument to be in
?math cbrt
The `cbrt()' function returns the cubic root of its argument.
?math ceil
The `ceil()' function returns the smallest integer that is not
less than its argument.
?math cos
The `cos()' function returns the cosine of its argument.
`cos()' expects its argument to be in radians.
?math cosh
The `cosh()' function returns the hyperbolic cosine of its
?math cot
The `cot()' function returns the cotangent of its argument.
`cot()' expects its argument to be in radians.
?math coth
The `coth()' function returns the hyperbolic cotangent of its
?math csc
The `csc()' function returns the cosecant of its argument.
`csc()' expects its argument to be in radians.
?math csch
The `csch()' function returns the hyperbolic cosecant of its
?math erf
The `erf()' function returns the error function of its argument.
The error function is defined as
2/sqrt(pi) * integral from 0 to x of exp(-t^2) dt
?math erfc
The `erfc()' function returns `1 - erf()' where `erf()' is
the error function of its argument. It is provided because of the
extreme loss of relative accuracy if `erf(x)' is called for large
x and the result subtracted from 1.0 (e.g., for x = 10, 12 places
are lost).
?math exp
The `exp()' function returns the exponential function of its
argument (e raised to the power of its argument). Overflow is
checked on all `exp()' operations.
?math floor
The `floor()' function returns the largest integer not greater
than its argument.
?math hypoth
The `hypot(x, y)' function returns sqrt(x*x+y*y) computed in such
a way that underflow will not happen, and overflow occurs only if the
final result deserves it.
?math int
The `int()' function returns the integer part of its argument,
truncated toward zero. The returned value is still a double. This
function is equivalent to trunc() is is kept for compatibility.
?math interp
The `interp()' function returns an interpolated value of the
function at the value of its argument. The functional relation is
previously initialized using the fitting mode command `spline'.
The interpolation is obtained from cubic splines. "Natural" (i.e.,
the second derivative of the interpolating function at either or both
the first and last point of the original data equal zero) cubic spline
or specific first derivatives at the extreme points of the original
data set are specified while initializing the process using `spline'
See also:
?math lgamma
The `lgamma()' function returns the natural logarithm of the gamma
function of its argument. For an integer `n, lgamma(n+1) =
ln(fac(n))' where fac is a factorial function.
?math ln
The `ln()' function returns the natural logarithm (base e ) of
its argument. Illegal argument is checked for.
?math log
The `log()' function returns the logarithm (base 10) of its
?math max
The built-in function `max(x, y)' returns the maximum value of
x and y. `max(x, max(y, z))' obviously returns the largest value
of x, y, and z.
?math min
The built-in function `min(x, y)' returns the minimum value of
x and y. `min(x, min(y, z))' obviously returns the smallest value
of x, y, and z.
?math rand
The `rand()' function returns a random number between [0,1).
Depending on the machine on which it is compiled, it might use the
extended 48 bits random number generator or less.
?math rint
The `rint()' function returns the value of its argument rounded to
the nearest integer.
?math scan
This math function is a bit different from others in the fact that it
handles strings and returns a number. In fact, the `scan(
"String, Format")' function returns a double precision number as
extracted from string "String" and according to string format
"Format". The format is built with the same rules `sscanf' uses.
See man pages on `scanf(3)'. Note that the format must contain
one active "%lf". An example might be of some help here, especially
to show how to use `scan' in conjunction with C-calculator mode
defined strings. `scan' is particularly helpful to extract numbers
from filenames. Recall that strings are defined by double quotes as
in standard C.
At this point, it might be useful for you to know the "%[ ]" scanf
construction. Let's go through some examples: `"%*[a-zA-Z]"'
means to ignore the longest string matched so that it is composed of
any letter; `"%*[^0-9]"' means to ignore the longest string
matched so that it is NOT composed of any digit; `"%*[^_.]"'
means to ignore the longest string matched so that it is not composed
of characters `_' or `.'.
# define a string called Testname
let Testname = "dummy25.dat"
# let y be the Neperian log of the number contained in that string
let y = ln(scan(Testname, "%*[^0-9]%lf.dat"))
# The following reads a number from stdin
let input = scan(Read(), "%lf")
See also:
$, strings, C, cmode, quotes
?math sec
The `sec()' function returns the secant of its argument.
`sec()' expects its argument to be in radians.
?math sech
The `sech()' function returns the hyperbolic secant of its
?math sin
The `sin()' function returns the sine of its argument.
`sin()' expects its argument to be in radians.
?math sinh
The `sinh()' function returns the hyperbolic sine of its
argument. `sinh()' expects its argument to be in radians.
?math sqrt
The `sqrt()' function returns the square root of its argument.
?math srand
The `srand()' function sets the seed of the random number
generator. Its argument will always be truncated to an integer
towards zero. `srand()' returns the truncated value.
?math sum
The `sum' function returns the sum of the elements of the vector
passed as an argument. Recall that vector are passed by pointers so
that `y = sum(X^2)' is not legal. Instead, on must explicitly
# Given vector X, the following calculates the sum of X^2
let X2 = X^2
let y = sum(X2)
in order to evaluate the sum. The `sum' function can be used to
calculate basic statistics (mean, standard deviation, correlation, ...)
and to do basic integration together with a spline-interp algorithm
if the points are distant and the function smooth enough.
See also:
interp, spline
?math tan
The `tan()' function returns the tangent of its argument.
`tan()' expects its argument to be in radians.
?math tanh
The `tanh()' function returns the hyperbolic tangent of its
argument. `tanh()' expects its argument to be in radians.
?math trunc
The `trunc()' function returns the value of the argument when
truncated towards zero.
The `pause' command displays any text associated with the command
and then waits a specified amount of time or until a carriage return is
pressed if the given time value is a negative integer. The `pause'
command is especially useful in conjunction with `load'ed files.
pause "value" "string(optional)"
pause -1
pause 3
pause -1 Hit return to continue
pause 10 This fits equation 4 to file $ReadFile.
See also:
echo, load
There exists no plot command as such. However two macros are
predefined. One is `gnu!plot' to use with GNUPLOT and
`sgi!plot' to use with SGIPLOT. As they currently are, only two
vectors can be passed to these macros. They serve like examples for
building your own macros as well. See `show macros' to see the
contents of the predefined macros of your site.
See also:
set plotting, special, macro, show macros
The `pmode' command talks directly to the plotting program chosen
with the `set plotting' command. Any command usually typed to the
plotting routine is now valid. Furthermore, all the current variables,
constants and their string counterparts can be expanded in the
plotting mode. The fitting macros and aliases are not recognized in
this mode. The command `fmode' permits the user to return from the
plotting mode as does ^D when typed interactively. If `pmode'
is called with trailing arguments, the remainder of the line will be
passed to the plotting program while remaining in fitting mode. It is
not an error to call `pmode' from the plotting mode. An warning
message will be given though.
If the plotting program is defined as a null string (`set plotting ""')
then all command lines given in `pmode' will be ignored and
warning messages will be given accordingly.
pmode "command(optional)"
pmode set nokey
pmode plot "fudgfile" with lines
See also:
set plotting, set prompt-pm, special
The `print' command is a C-calculator mode command that writes the
value of a valid mathematical expression to a file selected by
`set output'. The default is "stdout". If there is more than one
variable, a coma separated list must be given in which case each
expression value will printed on the same line and separated by a tab.
As with other number output commands, the output format is the one
selected by the `set format' command. The default is "% 10.8e".
The `print' command differs from `show variables' as follows:
=> `print' accepts any expression for indexing vector elements;
=> `print' requires a comma separated list;
=> `print' can be part of a function or procedure;
=> `print' can print strings provided they are in double
quotes. This includes characters '\n', '\t', '\a', ...;
=> `print' does not append a newline.
=> `print' can print any mathemetical expression.
=> `print' is a C-calculator mode command.
A simpler way to print variables to "stdout" from the C-calculator
mode is to use the feature that any variable or coma separated list of
variables given on the command line will be displayed, separated by tabs
and appended with a newline character. Thus the construction @ifhelp
set output stdout
print x, y, "n"
is equivalent to
x, y
typed in C-calculator mode (it becomes `let x,y' in fitting mode).
The only difference between `print' and the automatic printing
feature of C-calculator mode is that (1) `set output' only affects
`print' command, and that (2) `print' does not automatically
append a new line character.
print "coma-separated-var-list"
print x+2
print String, x, y, z
print "Warning aaa", "x = ", x, "n"
See also:
cmode, func, C, show table, show variable, math functions, quotes,
set format, set output
The `proc' command is a C-calculator command used to define
procedures. Procedures differs from functions in the fact that they do
not return any value. The procedure arguments are passed and referred
to the same way they are in functions. Keyword `proc' is a
C-calculator mode command. The `show table' command can be used
to list all the installed objects at a given time.
proc "procedurename"("proto-list(optional)") "cmode-line-statement"
proc "procedurename"("proto-list(optional)") {
# The following example will print the Fibonacci numbers lower than 1000
proc fib(x) {
a = 0
b = 1
while (b < x) {
print b
c = b
b += a
a = c
print "n"
# The following 'for' loop is equivalent to the preceding fib()
proc fib2(x) {
auto a,b,c # This proc creates no global variable
for(a=0,b=1;b<x;c=b,b+=a,a=c) {
print b
print "n"
fib(1000) # A procedure as called from C-calculator mode.
let fib2(1000) # A procedure as called from fitting mode.
# A short example involving a vector
set data 10
let proc init(X, x) X=x
let b=3
let init(Y, 2/4 + b) # Shows that scalar can also be expressions.
See also:
return, cmode, C, func, auto, math, show table, install
The `pwd' command prints the name of the working directory on
the screen.
See also:
cd, ls
The commands `exit' and `quit' are equivalent and both will
exit FUDGIT. On exit, all temporary files "/tmp/fudgitPID*" (note
the wild card) will be erased. Here PID is the current process number.
Moreover, if a plotting process is active, it will be sent a KILL
signal. It is therefore a good habit to use the `$Tmp' string
variable to build your temporary files.
See also:
cmode, exit
In the fitting mode, single and double quotes serve to indicate that
all the characters between quotes should be taken as only one word,
even if there are some blanks (tab or space) among them. The
difference between single and double quotes is that within the former
variable expansion (using `$') does not take place whereas it does in
the latter. Quotes are not recognized between parentheses.
In C-calculator mode, double quotes serve to indicate a string and
parsing is done accordingly. As in C, double quotes can be included in
a string using the `\' operator. Note that C special characters
as '\n' for a newline, '\a' for a bell, '\t' for
a tab, and so on, are recognized in a string. Single quotes have no
special meanings. The only way to pass a `$' without expanding the
following name is to escape the `$' with a `\'.
Thus, a null string is given by `''' or `""' in the fitting
mode and by `""' only in C-calculator mode.
In pmode, both single and double quotes are freely passed to the
plotting program. This is valid when trailing commands are are passed
to `pmode', although FUDGIT implicitly stays in the fitting
mode. Once again, expansion of a `$' followed by a string can be
avoided using the escape character, i.e., by typing `\$'.
See also:
exec, set plotting, math function scan, print
The `read' command is used to read data points from a file or from
standard input. Each column is assigned to a given vector. Vectors not
already allocated will automatically be. Range of values can be
specified on any variable using the ["low":"high"] syntax. A
``*'' replacing a value will be taken as unexistent. Range of
lines can be specified on any variable using the {"low":"high"}
syntax. The last line range given will be the only one in effect. If
the file name specified is `-' data will be read from the current
standard input until the keyword `end' is found on a line by
itself. The `read' - and the `load' commands are recursive
functions so they can be nested insofar as you can understand what is
going on. An assignment consists in a vector name and a column number
separated by a colon. After a file has been successfully read,
`read' will put the name of the data file in string constant
read "filename" "assignment[range](optional){linerange}(optional)" ...
read file1 X:1[0:*] Y:2
read file2 TIME:2{100:400}
read - T:1 VALUE:2
1 2.3
2 4.7
. .
. .
. .
The first form will read positive values of the first column in vector
X and corresponding values of the second in vector Y. The second
will read the second column of file "file2" from line 100 to line
400. The third will read T and "VALUE" from stdin. The
assignment does not need to be in increasing order of column. Also
note that the first column is 1.
See also:
exec, data
The `reinstall' command is used to perform the dynamical loading
of a module that was already loaded. Typically, this is done after a
module has been modified and recompiled. Refer to `install' for
more detail.
The C-calculator `return' keyword is used as in standard C to
return from a function or a procedure. Contrary to C, `return'
requires parentheses when returning a value from a function. It is an
error to return a value from a procedure or to not return anything
from a function. `return' is a C-calculator mode command.
See also:
C, cmode, func, proc, auto
Look under `append' command description.
The `set' command sets a lot of options, as follows.
?set comment
The `set comment' command selects the character which will cause
the rest of the line to be ignored. The default value is ``#''.
Note that the effect of a comment character will be void if: (1) found
somewhere between single quotes in fitting mode or (2) escaped with a
set comment "character"
set comment ?
See also:
show comment, comments
?set data
The `set data' command changes the effective size of vectors. All
the vector arithmetic checks for index boundaries. The `data'
constant is the higher bound of the check and necessarily the size of
all vectors. Changing the `data' value does not change the values
nor the capacity of vectors. It only changes the upper bound on the
value the index can take. The `data' constant is also changed by
the commands `read' and `exec', which set it to the number of
valid data points read. Because the upper bound can never be higher
than the effective capacity of vectors, a `data' value higher than
the current `samples' value will be refused. See `set
samples'. Typically, `set data' is used when one wants the
C-calculator to generate (and plot) vectors. The `read' and
`exec' commands take care of adjusting it. `data' constant can also
be changed from the C-calculator mode if the constant is
`unlock'ed. However, no check is made to ensure the given value is not
higher than `sample' size, in which case a segmentation fault will
crash the whole program. It is always safer to use `set data'.
set data "number"
set data 300
See also:
lock, unlock, read, exec, cmode
?set debug
The `set debug' command puts the reading of `load'ed files in
verbose mode, so that debugging is more easily done. All the commands,
expanded macros and/or string variables are echoed as they are
executed. There are some different debug levels at the present time:
=> 0 clear all the debugging states.
=> 1 echo the expanded lines as they are read. The command is
parsed and comments are stripped out. This is most useful
for debugging script files. History substitutions are shown.
=> 2 display all command lines as they are read from the script.
=> 3 display the line numbers of the ignored lines as they are
read from datafiles.
=> 4 echo command lines as they are passed to the math parser.
=> 5 turn the math parser debugger on. To use this, the program
must have been compiled with the YYDEBUG preprocessor
variable on.
=> 6 trace the flow of fitting mode `if' constructions.
Debugging values are not exclusive so that more than one level
can be turned on. Levels are subject to change.
set debug "value-list"
set debug 0 1 3
See also:
?set error
FUDGIT allows the user to select among different possible error
checks to be made on each single mathematical operations. The
`set error' command will set computational error checks as follows:
=> 0: clear all computational error check bits.
=> 1: check for `infinity' values.
=> 2: check for `not a number' values.
=> 3: check for `out of domain' math function errors.
=> 4: check for `out of range' math function errors.
Error checks are not exclusive and more than one can be specified on
the command line. The default status has all error check levels
activated (1 2 3 4).
It is sometimes desirable to disable one of the checks. For example,
the operation y = 1/sinh(x) will give a `out of range' error for
large x ( > 709 on most machines), although y is in fact 0.
If one uses `set error 0 1 2 3', then no error will be reported
and y will be set to zero accordingly.
set debug "value-list"
set error 0 2 3
See also:
C, cmode
?set expand
In interactive mode, history expansion and substitution will occur
only if the `expand' variable is set. It is disabled using
`set noexpand'. The default is on.
set expand
See also:
set noexpand, history, line editing
?set format
The command `set format' will set the printf format for variables.
Use only if you are sure of what you are doing. It defaults to
``% 10.8e". See `man printf(3)' if in doubt.
set format "string"
set format %6.2lf
set format "% .8g"
See also:
show, append
?set function
The `set function' command is perhaps the most crucial command in
data fitting. It is used to select a built-in fitting function or to
enter a user-defined function. The following fitting functions are
---- ----------- -------------------
straight Straight line (2 parameters)
sine Sine series (N parameters)
cosine Cosine series (N parameters)
legendre Legendre series (N parameters)
polynomial Power series (N parameters)
gauss Gaussian series (3N parameters)
expo Exponential series (2N parameters)
user User-defined function (N parameters)
Assume a variable vector X and a parameter vector A then,
the nonlinear gauss fitting function is a series of gaussians where
f(X,A) = SUM (i=1,4,7,...,N) of A[i] * exp(-((X - A[i+1])/A[i+2])^ 2).
The nonlinear expo function is a series of exponentials where
f(X,A) = SUM (1=1,3,...,N) of A[i] * exp(X*A[i+1]).
For a user-defined function, the `set function user' will prompt
for more input. The following input is related to the variable to
fit. For purposes of clarity, let's say that we have to fit vectors
`X Y DY'. This requires a fit function `YFIT' (the name is
made from the dependent variable appended with `FIT') and all the
partial derivatives `DYFITD1, DYFITD2, ..., DYFITDN' taken with
respect to the parameters n=1,... N. All these functions are
defined one per line as in the case of a macro until a `stop' is
entered. Temporary variables are permitted. `set function user'
actually defines a C-calculator mode macro that will be executed
before each iteration of the fit. Therefore the complete C-calculator
mode grammar is fully supported here. Temporary vectors can thus be
used to speed up the calculation.
The C-calculator macro can be a simple call to a predefined procedure.
When defined so, the parsing does not have to be done at each iteration,
and a slightly faster process should result.
# read column 1, 2 and 3 of file "file"
read file T:1 R:2 DR:3
# make a three parameter fit
set parameter K 3
# this is a linear fit; use singular value decomposition
set method svd_fit
# enter my function
set function user
RFIT = K[1] + K[2]*T^0.5 + K[3]*T^1.5
DRFITD2 = T^0.5
DRFITD3 = T^1.5
fit T R DR
The vector `RFIT' will contain the fitted function. The difference
between the fit and real data can be obtained right away by defining a
let RDIFF = R - RFIT
that can be plotted with respect to `T'.
The same thing is done for nonlinear fit with the exception that the
partial derivatives of the function with respect to the parameters
will contain reference to some parameter(s). (This is precisely the
meaning of nonlinear here).
There is virtually no restriction on the number of parameters (memory
is the sole limitation: `set parameter' command allocates a
matrix of `parameters' X `samples' ). The only conditions are
that a linear regression must have 2 parameters defined (this is
obvious) and the built-in nonlinear functions must be modulo 3 for the
series of gaussians and modulo 2 for the series of exponentials.
See also:
fit, set method, adjust, proc, auto
?set input
The `set input' command selects the file for the input of the
C-calculator mode `Read' and `vread' command. The string
"stdin" is valid as a filename. If the selected file does not exist or
cannot be read, an error message will be given and the value will go
back to the default value, which is "stdin".
set input "filename"
See also:
Read, vread
?set iteration
The `set iteration' command permits the user to change the
iteration number for the Marquardt-Levenberg nonlinear fitting method.
See `set function'. The default value is 10. However, the fitting
process will stop if there is no difference in chi^2 for two
consecutive iterations. However, a negative value will force to
iterate up to the absolute value of that number, without checking for
set iteration "value"
set iteration 3
See also:
fit, set method, set function
?set method
The `set method' command allows the user to select the fitting
method to be used when calling the `fit' command. The following
methods are available:
---- -----------
ls_reg least square linear regression (2 parameters)
lad_reg least absolute deviation linear regression (2 parameters)
ls_fit general least square linear fit using QR decomposition
svd_fit general least square linear fit using singular value
ml_fit general least square nonlinear fit using
Marquardt-Levenberg method
Among them, only `ml_fit' and ls_fit depends on `iteration'
and `adjust'.
For all methods except `lad_reg', the value of chi^2 will be put
in the scalar constant `chi2'. In the case of `lad_reg', %chi^2
will contain the average absolute deviation.
set method "method"
set method svd
See also:
fit, set iteration, set function
?set noexpand
The `set noexpand' command disallows history expansion on the
interactive command line.
set noexpand
See also:
set expand
?set output
The `set output' command selects the file for the output of the
C-calculator mode `print' command. The strings "stdout" and
"stderr" are both valid as a filename. If the selected file
already exists, it will be overwritten with no warning. The default
value is "stdout".
set output "filename"
See also:
?set pager
The `set pager' command allows the user to select a pager. A pager
is the program that is called when the structure to be displayed has
more than 24 elements. The default pager is (1) the environment
variable PAGER if it exists or (2) "/usr/?/more" (path depends on
system) if not. If `pager' is defined to a null string (`""'),
then no pager will be used.
set pager "string"
set pager "more -c"
See also:
show, show pager
?set parameters
The command `set parameters' will fix the parameter name and
size. Since the set of parameters is a kind of vector, parameter name
cannot contain lower case letters. Parameters are initialized to
zero. A built-in scalar constant called `param' contains the
number of parameters at all time.
set parameters "parameter-name" "size"
# set the vector D of size 3 to be determined by the fit.
set parameters D 3
See also:
show parameters, show setup
?set plotting
The `set plotting' command changes the default plotting program
used by the plotting mode. The default is GNUPLOT but this can be
changed to any plotting program that can be driven from stdin. A
maximum of 16 arguments can be passed when the program is first
called. Changing the plotting program will send a KILL signal to the
existing plotting program (if any). If the plotting program is set to
a null string (`""'), FUDGIT will ignore all the plotting
commands and warning messages will be given. Setting the plotting
program to a file that cannot be found or executed will result in an
error at the first `pmode' call.
set plotting "command"
set plotting "/usr/local/bin/sgiplot -p"
set plotting /usr/local/bin/gnuplot
See also:
show plotting
?set prompts
All three FUDGIT prompts can be changed by the `set' command.
The name of the prompts are:
=> `prompt-cm' for the C-calculator mode prompt
(default: "cmode> ";
=> `prompt-fm' for the fitting mode prompt
(default: "fudgit> ";
=> `prompt-pm' for the plotting mode prompt
(default: "pmode> ".
A null string `""' (i.e., two consecutive quotes) can be given to
any of these.
set prompt-cm "string"
set prompt-fm "string"
set prompt-pm "string"
See also:
show prompts
?set samples
The command `set samples' changes the current capacity of the
fitting program. Typically, `samples' is set at the beginning of a
session since all the existing vectors and variables are erased on
this call. The default setting is 4000 points.
set samples "value"
set samples 6000
See also:
set data, cmode, let, lock
?set vformat
The command `set vformat' will set the sprintf format used for the
expansion of scalar variables by the expansion operator `$'. Use
only if you are sure of what you are doing. It defaults to ``%.3lg''.
See `man printf(3)' if in doubt.
set vformat "string"
set vformat %6.2lf
set vformat "%.4lg"
See also:
$, cmode, C
The `shell' command starts a shell according to your SHELL
environment variable. It is equivalent to `system' command. Refer
to the latter for details.
The `show' command is used to see the chosen options or to look at
any defined vectors, parameters or variables.
See also:
set, echo
?show comment
The `show comment' command echoes the current comment escape
show comment
See also:
set comment, comments
?show data
The `show data' command displays the current value of `data'
constant. Left for compatibility.
show data
See also:
set data, lock, unlock, set samples
?show debug
The `show debug' command displays the current value of the
`debug' variable. The value is displayed in octal since the
`set debug' n command turns on the n^th bit of this number.
show debug
See also:
set debug
?show error
The `show error' command displays the current value of the
`error' computational check variable. The value is displayed in octal
since the `set error' n command turns on the n^th bit of
this number.
show error
See also:
set error
?show input
The `show input' command shows the filename selected for the
input of the C-calculator mode `Read' and `vread' command.
The default value is "stdin"
show input
See also:
set input, Read, vread
?show iterations
The `show iteration' command displays the current value of
`iteration' variable.
show iteration
See also:
set iteration, set method
?show fit
The `show fit' command displays the different quantities relevant
to the current fitting method. Typical examples are chi^2, the
covariance matrix, the curvature matrix, correlation factor, etc...
show fit
See also:
fit, set parameters, set function, set method
?show format
The `show format' command displays the current value of
`format' variable. The `format' string is used when
displaying any number on the screen. Refer to printf(3) of
the UNiX manual.
show format
See also:
set format, show
?show function
The command `show function' displays the current function type. If
the function type is `user', then the user-defined function will
be displayed.
show function
See also:
set function, show setup, fit, math
?show macros
If called with an argument, the `show macros' command will display
the specified macro. Otherwise, all currently defined macros will be
displayed. The selected `pager' is called if the command is given
in interactive mode (at the command line prompt).
show macros "macroname"(optional)
See also:
set pager, save macros, alias
?show memory
The `show memory' function will display the current state of
memory consumption of the program. All sizes are given in bytes. It
uses a direct call to mallinfo(3). The arena is the size of memory
requested by the process to the kernel. It is then split in different
blocks shared among the internal matrices and user's vectors, macros,
functions, procedures, variables and history.
show memory
See also:
free, show table
?show method
The `show method' command displays the current value of the
fitting `method'. It contains "none" by default.
show method
See also:
set method, fit, set function
?show output
The `show output' command shows the filename selected
for the output of the C-calculator mode `print' command.
The default value is "stdout"
show output
See also:
set output, print
?show pager
The `show pager' command displays the current value of the
`pager' program.
show pager
See also:
set pager, environment, show
?show parameters
The command `show parameters' will display the parameter values on
the screen. If the number of parameters is larger than 24, then the
selected `pager' will be called if the command is given in
interactive mode (at the command line prompt). As with `append'
and `save parameters', `show parameter' can accept optional
variable or constant (either string or scalar) list of names, in which
case the value of the given variables will be displayed along with the
parameter values.
show parameters "variable-list(optional)"
See also:
set pager, set parameters, save parameters, show fit
?show plotting
The `show plotting' command displays the current value of the
`plotting' program.
show plotting
See also:
set plotting, startup, pmode
?show prompts
The `show prompts' command displays the current values of the
different mode `prompts'.
show prompt-cm
show prompt-fm
show prompt-pm
See also:
set prompt, startup
?show samples
The `show samples' command displays the current value of the
`samples' variable. Recall that although `data' is responsible for
the visible part of all vectors, vectors all have a fixed allocated
length of `samples' long. Any change to `samples' through
`set samples' frees all the existing vectors.
show samples
See also:
set samples, set data, cmode
?show setup
The command `show setup' will show some values of the program,
such as the last data filename read, the number of data points,
current capacity, current comment character, current iteration number,
current plotting program, etc. Left for compatibility.
show setup
See also:
set comments
?show table
The command `show table' displays the current lookup table of the
C-calculator mode parser. It shows all current variables, numbers,
vectors and functions included in the internal table. It also shows
the state of the internal machine (C interpreter), stack and frame
used in the C-calculator. This is used mainly for debugging or to
prevent stack or machine code overflow.
show table
See also:
free, show memory, cmode
?show variables
Any constants or variables can be displayed on the screen.
The `show variable' command differs from `print' as follows:
=> `show variables' only accepts integers for indexing
vector elements;
=> `show variables' requires a blank separated list;
=> `show variables' cannot be part of a function or procedure.
As it has been mentioned previously, this is due to the different
types of parsing between the C-calculator and fitting modes. As with
all other number displaying commands, the printing format is
always the one selected by the `set format' command.
show variables "variable-list"
show variables x X[2] Y[2] DY[2] time
See also:
print, save variables, show table, show vectors, cmode
?show vectors
Any vector or number of vectors can be seen on the screen. If the size
of vectors is larger than 24, the selected `pager' will be called
if the command is given in interactive mode (at the command line
show vectors "VECTOR-list"
show vectors X Y DY
See also:
set pager, append vectors, read, cmode, let
?show vformat
The command `show vformat' will display the printf format used
for the expansion of scalar variables by the expansion operator `$'.
Refer to the printf(3) description in the UNiX manual for more details.
show vformat
See also:
$, cmode, C, set vformat
The `smooth' command uses a gaussian windowing function (low-pass
filter) on a Fourier transform loop in order to smooth the given
vector. The windowing function is exp(-(f/(sigma X f_max))^2)
where f_max is equal to half of the smallest power of 2 larger
than the number of data points `data'. Variable f is the
frequency that ranges from 0 to f_max. More likely, the smoothing
factor is a non null positive real number from the (0, 1] interval. A
smoothing factor sigma >= 1 leaves the vector unchanged.
The number of data points `data' needs not to be a power of 2.
To be used with discernment!
smooth "sigma" "in-VECTOR" "out-VECTOR"
See also:
fft, invfft, cmode, C
The following special commands are left for debugging or macro purposes.
They start with an underscore to avoid mistakes and remind of their
special character.
`_killplot' will kill the current plotting program.
`_dumplot' will send the following vectors in the plotting
program pipe. This is only useful if the current plotting program
accept data from its stdin. `_dumplot' can accept up to 16
_dumplot "VECTOR-list"
_dumplot X Y DY
See also:
macro, show macros, plot
The `spline' function initializes the internal table for the
calculation of interpolated values using cubic spline method.
Interpolated values are obtained from calls to the C-calculator math
function `interp()'. The value of the first derivative at the
first and last data points can be specified by optional arguments. If
not specified, or if one of the optional arguments is an asterisk `*',
then a "natural" cubic spline is assumed in which case the
interpolated curve is such that the second derivative at the extreme
points (or one of them) is null. The asterisk is more likely to be used
in cases where the user would like to specify the first derivative at
the last point only. The independent vector must be such that its
value increases monotonically.
spline "indep-VECTOR" "dep-VECTOR" "y1(optional)" "yn(optional)"
# Read vectors having a functional relation Y = F(X) from file "datafile"
read datafile X:1 Y:2
# Initialize the spline (as being natural)
spline X Y
# Save extreme values
let from = X[1]; to = X[data]
# Say there were data=10 points and you want 100
set data 100
# Rebuild X vector
# First build X ranging [0, 1]
let x=0; X=x++; tmp=data-1; X/=tmp
# Then from 'from' to 'to': from + (to - from)*X
let tmp=(to-from); X = from + X*tmp
# Rebuild Y vector possibly containing original values as a subset
let Y = interp(X)
# Note that any value can be asked for
let interp(2.34*pi)
See also:
math interp
If a file ".fudgitrc" exists in your home directory, it will be
automatically loaded at startup time of the program. This is useful if
one wants to include his own macros or have his own preferences loaded
to FUDGIT. This file is loaded for both interactive use (`fudgit')
and batch use (`fudgit "script1" "script2"...').
set plotting /usr/local/bin/sgiplot
set prompt-pm ""
set comment ?
set samples 10000
A file called ".hist_fudgit" is will be created in your home
directory in order to keep history between calls of FUDGIT. The
number of events is determined at compilation time and defaults to 52.
See also:
environment, alias, set plotting, set prompt
The command `stop' is used to terminate a macro or a fitting
function defined by the user. However, it can also be used in a script
file in order to stop execution at a certain point. In this case, an
warning message will report that `stop' is being used outside a
macro or function and the file from which the command was found will
be considered as at the end of file (EOF).
See also:
macro, set function
FUDGIT has a set of functions returning string objects. These are
made available to deal with filename construction, or to read from
standard input. To be consistent with string type, string functions
are named with both lower case and upper case letters.
Strings can be added or subtracted in the C-calculator mode. String
addition "s1" + "s2" simply concatenates strings "s2" to
string "s1". String subtraction "s1" - "s2" removes
"s2" from the end of "s1". Note that the wild card `?' is supported
in string subtractions.
?Strings DirName
?strings DirName
The string function `DirName' returns the directory name as extracted
from the filename given as an argument.
See also:
string functions FileName, Scan, Read
?strings FileName
?Strings FileName
The string function `FileName' strips the leading directory names
of the filename given as an argument. Note that the UNiX command:
basename "File" "Extension"
is equivalent to the FUDGIT command:
FileName("File") - "Extension"
so that filename constructions can be made in `foreach' loop
for example.
foreach File in ls /usr/machin/data/*.32
read $File X:1 Y:2{2:23}
# Some commands
# let File be the filename only, less the ".32" extension
let File = FileName(File) - ".32"
# And let Dir be the directory name
let Dir = DirName(File)
See also:
foreach, string functions, cmode, $
?strings Read
?Strings Read
The `Read' function read a line from the file chosen by the
`set input' function, strips the newline character and returns the
resulting string. If the input is `stdin', the user will be
prompted by a "?" and the program will stop until a non-null
string is entered. This is most likely to be used in macros requiring
some input during run time. The `Read()' function can be used to
read numbers with the help of `scan()'. See the example below.
`Read' can also be used to build vectors by taking one every n
points. This can be done by two imbedded `for' loops.
Note: The newline character is not passed to the string.
# Read a string from stdin (the default)
set input stdin
let String = Read()
# How to get a value out of a string: equivalent to vread()
let value = scan(Read(), "%lf")
# How to skip lines in a file
# Read say file project/numbers.data
set input project/numbers.data
for (i=1; i<=top; i++) {
Line = Read() # Read one line
X[i] = scan(Line, "%lf"); # get first column
Y[i] = scan(Line, "%*lf %*lf %lf"); # get third column
for (j=1; j<n; j++) {
Line = Read() # Read n-1 lines
set input stdin
See also:
set input, math function scan, string functions, $
?strings Scan
`Scan("String, Format")' function returns a string as
extracted from string "String" and according to string format
"Format". The format is built with the same rules `sscanf' uses.
See man pages on `scanf(3)'. Note that the format must contain one
active "%s" or "%[]" construction. An example might be of some help
here, especially to show how to use `Scan' in conjunction with
C-calculator mode defined strings. `Scan' is particularly helpful
to extract parts of filenames. Recall that strings are defined by
double quotes as in standard C.
Knowing about the "%[ ]" scanf(3) construction might be useful at
this point. Consider the following few examples: `"%[a-zA-Z]"'
means to read the longest string matched so that it is composed of any
letter; `"%[^0-9]"' means to read the longest string matched
so that it is NOT composed of any digit; `"%[^_.]"' means to
read the longest string matched so that it is not composed of
characters `_' or `.'.
# define a string called Testname
let Testname = "dummy25.dat"
# Read until a point is encountered
let Base = Scan(Testname, "%[^.]"))
See also:
$, scan, string functions Read, DirName, FileName, C, cmode, quotes
When called with arguments, the `system' command is equivalent to
the `!' bang operator, so the remainder of the line will be given to a
Bourne shell for execution. If `system' has no argument, a shell
(depending on environment variable SHELL) will be started.
system "shell-commands(optional)"
See also:
environment, !, shell
The `then' keyword is required in the fitting mode `if'
constructions. Refer to the latter for details.
The `unalias' command unaliases any alias previously assigned
by the `alias' command.
unalias "alias_name"
unalias date
unalias gnuplot
See also:
&, alias, macro, unmacro, append, show
The `unlock' command changes a constant into a variable and thus
allows the user to change its value. This is particularly useful in
functions and procedures needing to change the value of the `data'
constant. Unlocking `data' gives the user complete freedom on the
effective size of vectors. No check is done on `data'
assignments, and therefore assigning a value to `data' that is
superior to `samples' will result in a program crash. For this
reason, it is always safer to change `data' using the `set
data' command. It is not an error to unlock a variable. A warning
message will be given though. However, trying to unlock something else
than a constant or variable will result in an error.
See also:
lock, set data, set samples, cmode
The `unmacro' command is the counterpart of `macro'. It is
used to undefine macros. As does `free', `unmacro' accepts the
``@all'' string in which case all the macros will be erased and freed
from memory.
unmacro "macro-list"
unmacro @all
unmacro myplot
unmacro @all
See also:
alias, unalias, append, show
The `version' command displays the version number and the
welcoming message of FUDGIT.
The command `vi' calls the editor. It is equivalent to
`!vi filename'. Note that wild cards are also recognized and
vi "argument-list"
vi file
vi test.*
See also:
!, system, alias, shell
The `while' command allows the user to construct controlled loops
on a series of operations. However, FUDGIT supports two kinds of
`while' constructions, one in the fitting mode and the other in
the C-calculator mode.
?while cmode_style
The C-calculator mode while construction has a syntax similar to
that of standard C. In interactive mode, any new input line will be
prompted with a ``n{... n\t'' where `n' stands for the nesting
level and `\t' for a tab. Recall that "cmode-line-statement"
means a string of semicolon separated C-calculator mode commands.
while ("conditions") "cmode-line-statement"
while ("conditions")
while ("conditions") {
read file X:1 Y:2
let x=12;sum1=0;sum2=0
while (x++<=100) {
sum1 += X[x]+Y[x]
sum2 += X[x]^2 + Y[x]^2
See also:
C, break, continue, cmode, for, func, proc, auto, math
?while fmode_style
The fitting mode `while' is very similar to the C-shell
`while'. As for the `if' construction, the difference remains
in a broader range of operators available to the conditional
statement and the fact that the variable expansion operator `$' is
not required.
As for the `foreach' construction, a `end' keyword is
required to indicate the end of the loop. Note that
"fmode-statements" can also contain C-calculator mode commands
(including cmode `while' loops!). Recall that the conditional
statement is a C-calculator mode expression.
See also:
foreach, if, cmode
Parts of FUDGIT were built from some existing facilities. I would
like to give full credits for ideas or even segments of code that
have been taken from the following sources.
=> For parts of the user interface:
The help facility and the line editor were taken and adapted
respectively from GNUPLOT, and READLINE. READLINE was written by
Brian Fox. The help facility is originally from John D. Johnson.
=> For the C-calculator:
The calculator is inspired from HOC calculator which was debugged
and largely augmented to support vector algebra, memory management
and extra operators. The source of the basic program is reproduced
for educational purposes in "The Unix Programming Environment"
by Brian W. Kernighan and Rob Pike, Prentice-Hall (1984).
=> For the fitting functions:
Some of the included fitting routines are based on the algorithms
found in chapter 14 of "Numerical Recipes in C" by W. H. Press,
B. P. Flannery, S. A. Teukolsky and W. T. Vettering, Cambridge
University Press (1988), of which some were in turn adapted from
LINPACK. I had to adapt all the algorithms to include elegant error
recovery and to perform all calculations on vectors outside the
fitting loops, since their implementation would not permit the use
of run-time user selectable functions. FUDGIT would not have been
possible without the valuable help of that book. Since I strongly
recommand that you have a copy of a fitting book, I strongly
suggest you have a copy of this one. Not only this book will
describe all the methods used in FUDGIT but it will also give you
unvaluable insights to get to the state of the art of fitting.
These routines are copyrighted and cannot be separated from FUDGIT.
Copyright (C) 1987, 1988 Numerical Recipes Software. Reproduced by
permission from the book "Numerical Recipes: The Art of
Scientific Computing" published by Cambridge University Press.
=> For the fft routine:
The fft routine was first derived from an original Pascal version
written in "Simple Calculations with Complex Numbers" by David
Clark in DDJ 10/84 and then translated to C by R. Hellman
(02/21/86). I rewrote the C version to use vectors of alternated
double real and imaginary instead of the original (slow) vector of
pointers to complex structures. I also merged all functions in one
to prevent unnecessary function calls. I was astonished to see that
the resulting version was almost identical to the one found in
Numerical Recipes with the exception of a trigonometric recursion.
In conclusion, given an algorithm, I think that is is a hard task
to try to write a code much better than the one found there. This
is normal since the space of code possibilities gets narrower as
the constraints (optimization) acting on an implementation in a
given language are increased. The one included is from N.R. which
was adapted from N. Brenner.
Copyright (C) 1987, 1988 Numerical Recipes Software. Reproduced by
permission from the book "Numerical Recipes: The Art of
Scientific Computing" published by Cambridge University Press.
=> For the help file:
I would like to thank Ross Thompson for proofreading part of the
documentation and also for giving me constructive feedback in
course of the program development.
=> For the IRIX supported dynamic loading package:
The `dl' Dynamic Loading package is from Jack Jansen
<Jack.Jansen@cwi.nl> from the "Centrum voor Wiskunde en
Informatica". This package only works on IRIX for now.
=> For the SUNOS, ULTRIX supported dynamic loading package:
The implementation of `dl' for SUNOS and ULTRIX is from Guido
van Rossum <guido@cwi.nl> from the "Centrum voor Wiskunde en
Informatica". I modified part of it to allow multiple routine
loading from the same object. The other part of the puzzle is the
`dld' loader from Wilson Ho <how@cs.ucdavis.edu> which is based
on GNU ld(1) and is under GNU license.
=> For compilers not having `alloca()':
The included public domain version of alloca is from D. A. Gwyn.
=> For systems not having `putenv()':
The version of putenv was adapted from Dave Taylor's elm who
adapted it from cnews.
=> For a lot of ideas:
Many thanks to Steve Hornes for stimulating e-mail discussions.
Steve is responsible for the idea of implementing dynamic loading
in the final development of FUDGIT.
=> For the port to linux:
The port to linux was made by Thomas Koenig
<ig25@rz.uni-karlsruhe.de>. Thanks a lot Thomas!
=> For the rest of the code:
Copyright (C) 1993 Martin-D. Lacasse
See the Copyrights file for more detail, or the `README' help topic.
Permission to use, copy, and distribute this software and its
documentation for any peaceful purpose and without fee is hereby
granted, provided that the above notices appear in all copies and
that both those notices and this permission notice appear in
supporting documentation. No part of this can be used for commercial
Send bugs, comments or suggestions to
This software is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
The eclectic nature of FUDGIT makes it a borderline program.
I would like to include the following comments on copyrights.
Some Definitions
Scientific Community: By "Scientific Community" is meant the whole of
researchers in industries, universities and government agencies,
students as well as individuals making research on their own.
Software Developers: By "Software Developers" is meant all the
people writing or selling softwares with commercial purposes.
Publicly Available Sources: By "Publicly Available Sources" is meant
the pool of all source codes, algorithms and ideas that can be found
in publicly available scientific journals, publicly available
educational books, public domain source code, algorithms and ideas, or
source code, algorithms and ideas aimed at helping the Scientific
Community. That is, Publicly Available Sources are publicly available
material that can be part of higher education programs.
Progressive Copyrights
People involved in the Scientific Community need access to the most
recent developments to continue their own research. At the same time,
the same people share their most recent discoveries to the rest of the
Scientific Community. Standard Copyrights apply to the commercial
applications of their results.
Source code raised the problem that for the first time, the research
product is deeply involved in the research process. For the first
time, restrictions are being put on a fundamental research tool. This
is why the traditional way of thinking about Copyrights is obsolete.
Copyrights were implemented with the idea of protecting the commercial
interests of the owner. Thus, standard Copyrights give the owner the
exclusive rights of having commercial applications of his/her
implementation of an idea. However, some copyrights are much too
restrictive concerning scientific applications. Sometimes, old ideas
suddenly become protected because a group of Software Developers
claim Copyrights for pieces of code that freely existed for a long
time already, or are the straightforward representation of a given idea
in a given language. This simply does not make sense, and for this
reason, more realistic copyright procedures are required.
Progressive Copyrights should give the author the full commercial
rights but leaves the Scientific Community the right to use the source
code, the algorithms and the ideas for their own purposes. It does not
allow Software Developers to use the source code for commercial
applications, but they are free to use the ideas included in the
source code. In other words, Software Developers cannot make money
from the hard work someone else did. If they want to do so, they have
to agree with the people owning the Progressive Copyrights.
Progressive Copyrights should apply to all Publicly Available Sources.
From the moment a source code is published and becomes publicly
available, the people from the whole Scientific Community have the
right to use it for their own purposes.
A small group of Software Developers cannot claim Copyrights for
source code, algorithms and ideas that have been around for a while,
tested, improved, and commented by the whole Scientific Community.
A University student cannot start in life with a Bachelor degree and
have part of it copyrighted!
Progressive Copyrights are more a way of thinking than a legal
matter. I just hope that this way of thinking will spread in the
Scientific Community. After all, Progressive Copyrights are just
common sense! Despite Software Developers lobby.